Welcome to Limerick Cleaning and Property Maintenance Services (LCPMS) 

We are one of the leading regional maintenance companies in the Mid West of Ireland. Our skilled and established professionals encapsulate decades of experience of property maintenance, with a proven track record of quality specialist support services on demand for both the public and private sector.

LCPMS can provide all the skilled tradesmen a client may require from a single, reliable and professional source. Your peace of mind remains paramount to us, as we provide professional assurance on a 24-hour basis for the highest level of service you could expect. LCPMS guarantee around the clock commitment to the emergencies you fear the most, at an affordable cost for a quality of service you can trust. We lead the way in customer satisfaction and complete every job with a high level of satisfaction and quality guaranteed.

We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year and can respond rapidly to any of your emergencies and changing requirements, even on Christmas Day. With one call you can depend on us to get the job done.